Contact Info:
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
When did you become a permanent resident? (if applicable)
The types of relatives you can sponsor are: (check one or more)
Please provide details about who you want to sponsor including the number of people you want to sponsor and their relationship to you and to each other:
Are you employed?
Are you married, or do you have a common-law partner?
Is your spouse or common-law partner living with you in Canada?
Is your spouse or common-law partner employed?
Are you subject to a removal order?
Are you detained in any penitentiary, jail, reformatory, or prison?
Have you ever been convicted of a sexual offence?
Have you ever been convicted of a violent crime against a relative?
Are you in default of any previous undertaking or any support payments ordered by a court?
Are you an undischarged bankrupt?
Are you in receipt of social assistance for any reason other than a disability?
Had any serious disease or physical or psychological disorder?
Been convicted of or are currently charged with a criminal offence in any country?
Applied previously for a temporary visa to Canada?
Applied previously for permanent residence in Canada?
Been refused a visa to Canada or any other country?
Been refused admission to or ordered removed from Canada or any other country?
Been involved in the commission of human rights violations, acts of subversion, espionage, terrorism, or organized criminality?
If there is anything else that you believe is important in relation to your case?